(With God surely nothing is too heavy/difficult)
Kuna Daddy hakuna, (Hakuna zvinorema)
(With Daddy/God surely nothing is too heavy/Difficult)
Kuna Mdhara hakuna, (Hakuna zvinorema)
(With my Father/God surely nothing is too heavy/Difficult)
Kuna Daddy hakuna, (Hakuna zvinorema)
(With Daddy/God surely nothing is too heavy/difficult)
Kuna Baba hakuna, Hakuna zvinorema
(With my Father/God surely nothing is too heavy/difficult)
(Nyengetera wo), Hakuna zvinorema x4
(Just pray and nothing will be too heavy/difficult )
(With Daddy/God surely nothing is too heavy/Difficult)
Kuna Mdhara hakuna, (Hakuna zvinorema)
(With my Father/God surely nothing is too heavy/Difficult)
Kuna Daddy hakuna, (Hakuna zvinorema)
(With Daddy/God surely nothing is too heavy/difficult)
Kuna Baba hakuna, Hakuna zvinorema
(With my Father/God surely nothing is too heavy/difficult)
(Nyengetera wo), Hakuna zvinorema x4
(Just pray and nothing will be too heavy/difficult )
Vanomirima Jehovah vachapihwa samba tsva x2
(They that wait on Jehovah shall renew their Strength)
(Vanomirira) repeat Vanomirira
(Oh vachamhanya),
Vachamhanyamhanya vasinganeti vachaphihwa samba tva x 2
(They shall run and never get tired/weary they shall renew their strength)
(Vanomirira), Vanomirira Jehovah vachapihwa samba tsva) x 2
(They that wait on Jehovah shall renew their Strength)
Ndouya ikoko ikoko baba (Father I come before you)
(Ndouya-ikoko) Ikoko x 3 (Father I come before you)
Ikoko baba (Father I come before you)
Kwamuri baba ikoko baba (Right there where you are Father)
(Ndouya-ikoko) Ikoko x 3 (Father I come before you)
Ikoko baba (Father I come before you)
(Simudzira maoko kunaJesu), eh eh eh eh x 4
(Lift your hands up high to Jesus, eh eh eh eh)
(Uchidai so), eh eh eh eh x 4
(Just like this, eh eh eh eh)
(Simidzira maoko kunaJesu), eh eh eh eh x 2
(Lift your hands up high to Jesus, eh eh eh eh)
(Uchidai so), eh eh eh eh x 2
(Just like this, eh eh eh eh.)
Back to Simudzira maoko
(Hosanna hosanna), Tichanoimba hosanna x 2
(Hosanna hosanna, We shall sing hosanna)
(Hallelujah mambo), Tichitenderera pachigaro chamambo
(Hallelujah to the King, As we dance around the throne of God)
Tichanoimba hosanna (We shall sing hosanna)
Sohlabele’uhosanna x 2
(We shall sing hosanna, We shall sing hosanna)
(Sijekeleze), sizungeze isihlalo sobukhosi
(As we dance around the throne of God)
(We shall sing hosanna.)
(They that wait on Jehovah shall renew their Strength)
(Vanomirira) repeat Vanomirira
(Oh vachamhanya),
Vachamhanyamhanya vasinganeti vachaphihwa samba tva x 2
(They shall run and never get tired/weary they shall renew their strength)
(Vanomirira), Vanomirira Jehovah vachapihwa samba tsva) x 2
(They that wait on Jehovah shall renew their Strength)
Ndouya ikoko ikoko baba (Father I come before you)
(Ndouya-ikoko) Ikoko x 3 (Father I come before you)
Ikoko baba (Father I come before you)
Kwamuri baba ikoko baba (Right there where you are Father)
(Ndouya-ikoko) Ikoko x 3 (Father I come before you)
Ikoko baba (Father I come before you)
(Simudzira maoko kunaJesu), eh eh eh eh x 4
(Lift your hands up high to Jesus, eh eh eh eh)
(Uchidai so), eh eh eh eh x 4
(Just like this, eh eh eh eh)
(Simidzira maoko kunaJesu), eh eh eh eh x 2
(Lift your hands up high to Jesus, eh eh eh eh)
(Uchidai so), eh eh eh eh x 2
(Just like this, eh eh eh eh.)
Back to Simudzira maoko
(Hosanna hosanna), Tichanoimba hosanna x 2
(Hosanna hosanna, We shall sing hosanna)
(Hallelujah mambo), Tichitenderera pachigaro chamambo
(Hallelujah to the King, As we dance around the throne of God)
Tichanoimba hosanna (We shall sing hosanna)
Sohlabele’uhosanna x 2
(We shall sing hosanna, We shall sing hosanna)
(Sijekeleze), sizungeze isihlalo sobukhosi
(As we dance around the throne of God)
(We shall sing hosanna.)
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