Daily Bread Lyrics By Otis Kemp

Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. I Worship, Adore you, Forever More and Hallelujah Thank you, Jesus. I Worship you, Forever More and All I Wanna do. Is send my praises up to you Through the good times and the bad. You’re the best friend I could ever have. All I Wanna do. Is send my praises up to you Through the good times and the bad. You’re the best friend I could ever have. Woke up this morning (stretched wide.) The first thing I do reach my hand toward the sky. I’m honoring you, Your Majesty and mighty king. Turn up my radio. You’re the reason why I sing. Yeah, that’s my song. Now I got my praise on, but there goes the phone just ignore you Ain’t home. Some would say (dats ah lie) it’s ok it’s alright see when your in the presence of the most high you take flight All I Wanna do. Is send my praises up to you Through the good times and the bad. You’re the best friend I could ever have. All I Wanna do. Is send my praises up to you Through the good times and the bad. You’re the best friend I could ever have. Now I’m rushing off to work I got my sword and shield cause it’s real in the field Some people don’t understand why at lunch I just sit with my head in my hand Hey, what you antisocial? You think you too good. Naw, Not none of the time Just tryin do what I pose to do. to take care of my kids. Praise my God, handle my biz. No time for gossipin, I am focused on him. All I Wanna do. Is send my praises up to you Through the good times and the bad. You’re the best friend I could ever have. All I Wanna do. Is send my praises up to you Through the good times and the bad. You’re the best friend I could ever have Lord, I lift my hands too Worship and Adore you That’s what I was born to do Said I give you my body, Mind, My soul Lord take full control In the evening time, late in the night I’m get my praises on to the early morn It feels so right how can I deny. Lord without you in my life my day won’t go right No matter who see or where I may be Up in the church or out in the streets no I’m never ashamed to lift up your name It could be around strangers, coworkers. I don’t care. No matter who see or where I may be Up in the church or out in the streets no I’m never ashamed to lift up your name Yesterday. Forevermore. Lord, you’ll be my king. Hallelujah. Thank you, Jesus. I Worship, Adore you, Forever More and Hallelujah Thank you, Jesus. I Worship you, Forever More and